Meet the Board

Executive Committee

Dr. Joyce Harrison


Dr. Harrison serves as a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Psychiatric Mental Health Program at Kennedy Krieger Institute, with special interest in infant and preschool psychiatry.   She is the Project Director for Kennedy Krieger Institutes Network for Early Childhood Tele-education(KKI-NECT), which provides tele-consultation for pediatric primary care providers in rural and underserved areas.  She also serves as an associate professor of psychiatry at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.



coming soon

Dr. Amanda Holliday-Bembridge


After Dr. Amanda Holliday-Bembridge’s years in the ECE world as a teacher, curriculum writer, trainer, and reflective coach, she combined this knowledge and lived experiences with a focus on holistically strengthening young children’s families. Her mission is to share the incredible bonding power of music to create connections between caregiver/child that significantly impact both human’s ongoing development.

She brings a unique viewpoint stemming from her understanding of the incredible complexity that lies at the intersection of multiple interconnected fields of study. With her ECE background, she deeply understands child development, DAP teaching practices, and the challenges educators face to meet each child’s specific developmental needs. However, as she expanded her understanding of the ECE world by using an Infant Mental Health lens, she began to better understand the intricate systems, both visible and invisible, which have profound implications for the environment in which the child develops and the caregivers who care for them. 

Kari Gorkos


Bio coming soon!

Kay Connors

Membership Chair

Kay Connors, LCSW-C, is an instructor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Executive Director of the Taghi Modarressi Center for Infant Study, and a Program Director for the Baltimore-Network of Early Services Transformation (B-NEST), NCTSN Category III Center and Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Kay is a clinical social worker specializing in working with families and young children dealing with traumatic stress. She trains providers in infant and early childhood mental health core competencies and evidence-based practices, including Child-Parent Psychotherapy. She works in interprofessional teams and with community and state leaders to increase access to child and family trauma and mental health resources.

Regional Representatives

Members At-Large